June 11, 2008
This was an important day as we were going to find out if we were still pregnant with twins, or just one, or none at all. We were nervous. Again, Randi went in and did her "duties" as I waited in the waiting room. Finally the door opened and she waved me in. We sat together in the other waiting room flipping through magazines and nervously uttering a comment or two here and there. I have grown fond of outdoor gear all of a sudden. Not that I would use it for anything other than to look at, but I seem to have grown an interest in it thanks to these outdated magazines laying around the waiting room. Anyway...
We are finally called back after I have picked out my future bicycle that costs $3000.00. Randi hops up onto the table and I take my seat. This time the Tech gels down Randi's belly after flipping down the top of her jeans. We're doing this a new way this time. The Technician moves the device left, she moves it right, she puts a bit of pressure and there they are, two Turner shrimps. They look nothing like humans. It's amazing! Last time there were just two blobs of nothingness and now there is, something! We are still pregnant with Twins! Randi and I are both thrilled and it's written across our faces. The Technician prints out a few pictures as well as scans some onto a disc that we brought.
Onto see Dr. Christine. We visit with her for a little while and Randi nails her with every question that she can think of. Dr. Christine has heard them all before I'm sure but man! There are a bunch! I guess the only stupid question is the one not asked. Our due date is set for January 24th. We are told that Randi will most likely not carry full term and the Doctors will not let her carry past 38 weeks. After we talk to her for a bit we make our next appointment and it's back to the car and onto the three phone calls. Mom, Mom, and Jen.
14 years ago
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