24 weeks into our pregnancy seems like such a long time, but man is it flying! Randi and I discuss constantly how we can not wait to hold these baby girls. Soon enough...
The past few weeks have, like I said, been flying by. It seems like yesterday that we were drop jaw in the sonogram room hearing that there were two babies. Or being in Kusadasi and looking at that stick and seeing a positive. Life is about to change, and change for the better. Good kinds of CHANGE not that "other guys" kind of "Change"... =)
SO... Randi and the girls had a check up Wednesday. Randi immediately went back and was tested for Gestational Diabetes. She was nervous going in, she said "I don't like taking tests that I can't study for". If you know Randi this makes sense but if it were anyone else, study!? The test involves drinking some kind of fruit punch drink that supposedly is horrible. Randi's plan was to shoot this concoction and get it over with. Turns out she didn't mind it so much. Dr. Christine's nurse came out to the waiting room to get me to tell me to come on back. I met Randi in the hallway and we sat and waited for the sonogram tech to call us. Before we were called in, Randi went back down to the lab to get her results and she passed the Diabetes test. Good news! Once we got into the sonogram room, we realized that we had forgotten our CD for the pictures to go on. Luckily you can purchase one at the receptionist desk. We have spoken to the girl there numerous times about Auburn football and how she is the only Tiger fan there so I struck conversation about how awful we looked and how they need to do something about our Offensive Coordinator Tony Franklin. I got the CD and headed back to the sonogram room and no sooner than I sat down did I receive a text message from my buddy Jay saying "Tubbs fired Franklin". I couldn't believe it. All of this soon took a back seat when the monitor showed our little girls. Baby B had some make up tests to finish today. They had to measure a few things on her to make sure that she was keeping pace with her Sister. Well, while the tech was getting measurements, Baby A decided to sucker punch Baby B. Baby B waited out the attack and retaliated with a full body, Matrix style lunge toward her Sister. We were all laughing at the boxing match that we were witnessing. The Technician even kept the monitor on this for a good two minutes or so and our room was erupting with Oo's and Ah's. The girls are doing well. Each weighing in at 1 lb 9 oz and both are growing RAPIDLY. After the sonogram we went to see Dr. Christine for our Q&A session. Randi had her questions ready and Dr. Christine answered them all. Mom, Mom, Jen...
Monday night we started our "Parenting Classes". These classes go through what to expect when it's time to deliver and we get to watch videos. Well if you have seen Knocked Up with Katherine Heigl, you've seen the worst of these videos. In two weeks we get to take a field trip to tour the "birthing suites" as well as the NICU.
All in all things are going well. At most we only have 14 weeks until we get to meet our little girls. Our next appointment is scheduled for Monday October 20th. We won't have sonograms at that one but we'll post an update.
Blog Daddy T.
PS. Some are having troubles seeing the girls faces in their 4D pictures. Hopefully this helps...
14 years ago
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