First let me start off by wishing my Sister a happy 23rd Birthday! I remember when she was as little as our girls are now. I am just as proud to call her my Sister today than I was then. We love you!
CHANGE. Damn straight Obama! The first few weeks were difficult and some days present old and new challenges. We (ESPECIALLY Randi!) have met those challenges head on and learn and grow with our little ladies. Randi and I constantly talk about what a blessing it is to have these two beautiful creatures from God. We stare at them constantly and just laugh at the faces that they make. Aubrey is the Queen when it comes to making faces. She'll give you a look and you can almost tell what she is thinking. Addison puckers her lips all the time. She makes fish faces and I can't help but give in to her vulnerability and kiss her. Addison
A few weeks ago we started to notice that Aubrey wasn't sleeping well. We didn't know if it was her being a newborn or if it was something that we were doing or something that we might be doing wrong. Addison was sleeping like a champ and considering they are on the same exact schedule we decided to seek some advice. Randi and I heard through Uncle Henry that his Cousin had a baby nurse come in to help their baby get on a better schedule and we heard that the results were amazing. We decided to give this company a call and see what it would cost for them to come in for a few days to help us. Saturday February 7th Nurse Rachel entered the Turner household. Randi and I didn't know what to expect and what we got was an angel sent from above! 4 days went by so fast, and the girls were on a schedule. We now put the girls to bed after their 9 o'clock feeding and most mornings they sleep until 4 when they have their first feeding. After they're done they go back to bed until about 10 minutes to 8 and I try to help Randi change them and get them up before I am off to work. Each morning the girls eat at 4, 8, and then 11. After the 11 they go for a nap until 3 then eat at 3, 5, 7, and 9. Then we do it all over again. The hardest part is trying to keep them up between feedings. The saying around the house is that Aubrey could fall asleep on a block of ice. This child MUST be narcoleptic. She can fall asleep in any position during any situation! Addison has her tendencies as well but not like Aubrey. We owe a HUGE thank you to Nurse Rachel for putting us on this schedule and helping us to get the girls to comply with it. Aubrey
We have taken the girls out twice during the past few days. Once was to the Apple store to get myself a new phone and the second was to Target. The trip to the Apple store was difficult because it was during the time that we were supposed to be keeping them awake. We tried our best but were only so successful. The trip to Target was perfect. Randi thought that it would be best to go during their nap time this way they could sleep and we could shop and everyone would be happy. The girls did well and they slept last night until their 4 o'clock feeding and then again until about 7:30.
Life is much easier than it was a few weeks ago. I always had people telling me to get my sleep when they were still in the womb and I just shrugged it off. MAN! They weren't kidding.
During the time that the girls are supposed to be awake, we have been giving them some "tummy time". Aubrey's neck is still a little weak but she's working at it! Addison has been holding her head up for about two weeks or so and has recently rolled over. The first time that she did it we were at my Parent's house watching UNC vs. Duke. My Mom, Randi and I all witnessed it but we all wondered if it really counted. We agreed that it did and a few nights later she did it again. Are babies supposed to flip themselves over at 6 weeks old? Am I giving our child way too much credit!? Well I'm her Father and I'm proud of her accomplishment as I know her Mother is too.
Randi and I were able to have a very nice Valentine's dinner. Nonna (Randi's Mom) watched the girls with some help from Uncle Randy and Uncle Henry. Randi and I went and met my Sister and her new boyfriend for a drink and then went to dinner. We had such a nice time and are very grateful to have family so close. Above are some pictures that I took (with my phone that's why they're so blurry) of the girls opening their Valentine's Day gifts.
I may have written a bit too much, but I feel as if there is so much going on! I have been a bit neglectful in writing on the blog and will try to get a little better. We hope that everyone is doing well and as always thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers.
Love to all.
Blog Daddy T and Three
14 years ago
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