I can't help but think about how special our little girls are. I cannot thank God enough each night for the true joy that these little girls have brought Randi and I. I have been putting off writing a new update for a few weeks now. Randi has asked over and over for me to just do it, but I open up Blogger and freeze. Well here goes.
May 2009
What a month! News of our friends and family member's pregnancies keep flooding our phone lines and it's such an exciting time for everyone. Spring is probably my favorite season because everything seems so fresh and new. Well this spring seems to have opened the flood gates for babies! I hope that everyone has a great pregnancy and is as blessed as we are to have such incredible beautiful babies. "not THAT kind of tummy time!"
These two little girls have got me wrapped around their little fingers. Every day I come home, kiss Randi and head straight for them. Their faces light up with smiles and their little legs kick and their arms flail. What a feeling it gives me. Randi and I constantly tell them that they have no idea how much they are loved. They will probably never know until they have children of their own. Uncle Phillip and Aunt "Jen Jen" Carter with Aubrey, Uncle Scott and Aunt Christy with Addy,and Rev. Canon Joe Warren
Addison and Aubrey were Christened on May 17th at The Cathedral Church of the Advent which is also where Randi and I were married. Canon Joe Warren lead the service and it was perfect. In attendance were my Parents, Donna, Randi's Paw Paw, Uncle Randy and Uncle Henry, Bill and Susan Harrell, Scott (Addy's God Father) and Ashley, Christy (Addy's God Mother), Phillip and Jen (Aubrey's God Parents) as well as Baby Cate, and Melissa. We had quite a group! We were in the chapel at our church which is small and quaint but fit us all perfectly. Bill and Susan Harrell came in from Ft. Worth as well as Randi's high school girlfriend Melissa Flynn from San Antonio. It was so nice to have them all in town as we always have such a great time. Melissa is actually one of the friends that is expecting! We are looking forward to spending some more time with ALL of the Harrell's in July as we'll all be tearing up Gulf Shores for a week!Bill (Papa Frog) and Susan (Nim Nom) Harrell, Randi with Aubrey and me with Addy
Melissa Flynn, Randi with Aubrey and me with Addy
Each week Randi takes the girls to Gymboree and they seem to really enjoy it. I was able to go with them a few weeks ago and got to play along. It's neat to see the other babies in the class at their different stages. There's one little boy Adam who is destined to be a linebacker. This kid is huge! Addy and I were playing along with whatever was going on and the next thing I know I look down and Adam has Addy's head palmed like Michael Jordan going up for a tomahawk dunk! He was very gentle though so I just kind of laughed and let it be. The girls seem to really like the scarfs as well as the wiffle balls that they play with at Gymboree. So being the not so spoiling parents that we are, Randi purchased some so that we can play at the house too. Aubrey at Gymboree
Addy at Gymboree
After the girls were Christened and we all went out to lunch, Randi and I decided that we needed to get another activity mat because little miss Aubrey has perfected rolling around. There were a few times that she would almost roll over Addy who hasn't really given rolling much thought. We left the girls in the car with Melissa while we ran into Babies R Us. We found a fishy one that matches their Baby Einstein aquariums and we knew that they would love it. Aubrey is free to roll as much as her little heart desires while Addy holds conversations with the princess from the other activity mat. I did get a phone call this morning at work though from Randi telling me that Addison rolled over from her back to her belly! She did this early at like 6 weeks old but after about 3 or 4 times she quit so it's nice to see them both doing it now. They are both eating oatmeal now. We started with rice along with a lot of vocal disapproval, and we will soon try pears! That's if I leave any for them because pears are my favorite. When I had my jaw wired shut, I would eat baby food and pears were what I liked best.
We spent Memorial Day weekend down at the lake house and had a nice time with everyone. We were all to make a meal to help chip in and it seemed to work out well. It rained most of the weekend which didn't make for good boat trips but we did finally get to take the big boat out on the last day while my parents watched our ladies. Randi rode the new tube with Christy and Christy's girlfriend Jen Rankin. Needless to say, it didn't last long. She was successful in riding at one point with one hand while the other was occupied with giving me the bird. =) When we stopped she had enough and joined us on the boat. There is a video that may show up on here if I can gain access to it. Aunt Ashley and Aubrey
Uncle Scott and Addison
Just this past Saturday Randi and I wanted to check out the Farmer's Market down at Pepper Place. We made plans to meet up with our family friends Steve Thomas and Cal Darnell. We got the girls ready and made our way downtown. The side by side stroller may not have been the best choice of transportation for the day but that's what we did. It sure was crowded and I think I rolled over the back of 5 different people's heels. We think we'll take the carriers where they'll be strapped to us next time. All in all we enjoyed the market and picked up some veggies that we plan on cooking up this week. Steve and Cal had gotten an earlier start than we did so we had chosen to meet at their house after we were done at the market. I didn't realize that we hadn't seen them since the beginning of February so the girls have change QUITE a bit since the last time we got together. Catching up with friends like them is always a treat because you just jump right back where you left off. We sat and talked while we had a "few" mimosas and played with the girls. Later we met up with Uncle Randy and Uncle Henry and all went out to lunch. After lunch we went back to Steve and Cal's for a bit before we headed back to the house. Randi's Mom came over that night to stay with the girls while Randi and I went to dinner at a new restaurant in town. We had a very nice dinner and decided to head home earlier than planned after a long day. Cal with the ladies
getting ready to go to the market!
So there we have it. This month will provide a lot of stories for me to write so look for something at the beginning of July. City Stages is coming up which is a big music festival in the streets of downtown Birmingham. The girls will also spend their first weekend alone with Mom Mom and Pop Pop at the lake, as Randi and I are headed to Atlanta for the Red Sox weekend series against the Braves. WOO HOO!
Much Love To All...
Blog Daddy T and Three.
14 years ago
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