Well it was bound to happen at some point. Randi has been itching like crazy from head to toe. Randi decided that it was a good idea to make an appointment to see the Doctor. Dr. Christine was unavailable but Randi was able to make an appointment with another Doctor within the practice. On the way Randi was showing me her leg where it was itching and it looked a little splotchy. We didn't wait long before we were back in an examining room. The Doctor came in and examined Randi and prescribed her some steroids as well as a stronger benadryl like medicine to help with the itching. She wanted to get some blood work done to run a few tests to get some more insight into what was going on. She mentioned a couple of different things that it could be and then mentioned one RARE disease called Cholestasis of Pregnancy that happens in 1 to 2 women out of 1000. She told us that the blood work would most likely not be back until Monday. We already have our 30 week check up appointment for Monday so we will find out then.
We have another baby shower tomorrow at my work that the girls are throwing for Randi. We're looking forward to it!
Blog Daddy T
The book shower was awesome! Addison and Aubrey received so many books and wonderful comments written to them. Randi and I had a lot of fun reading them to each other the other night. The kids that come to our tailgate even gave their favorite books and wrote a little note on the inside and they were really special. All of them were special and much appreciated. Auburn actually won that day too so that topped off the perfect day. Thanks to everyone who threw the shower as well as everyone who attended.
14 years ago
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