But what's new, right?
Thanksgiving... That was a long day. Randi and I went over to my Parent's house to have Thanksgiving Day breakfast. Luckily Randi is pregnant and has to use the restroom quite a bit. As we were all doing our thing all of a sudden we hear Randi screaming "FIRE! FIRE!". I ran to see what the heck she was screaming about and sure enough, the powder room was on fire. A lit candle had set a fake flower arrangement ablaze. We were all very thankful that Randi had to use it when she did or there may not have been much of a house left. There wasn't too much damage done, luckily. If you're wondering what to get my Parents for Christmas, Fire Extinguishers should top their lists this year.
After we ate breakfast and hung out for a little while we went over to Randi's Mom's to eat with Paw Paw, Uncle Randy, Uncle Henry, and Donna. We waited, and we waited. Randi made sure to let everyone know that she was waiting to eat. Finally at 8:30, yes... 8:30! We ate.
Needless to say we weren't busting down any doors on Black Friday. We have an appointment for the Girls to have a stress test. I asked Randi if my Sister Christy could come along as she was home from Auburn. Christy had yet to feel either of the girls kick, and I wanted her to be a part. We got to the hospital and they put us back in the recovery room. We have been there twice now and it's not my favorite. The other rooms are a little more private and this one has a curtain that splits two beds. While Randi and the girls were being monitored Christy got to see the Girls move and how it makes Randi's belly move. We were only there for about an hour before we were let go. The Girls passed with flying colors.
After the hospital we went to return something to Baby's R Us. I knew it wouldn't be a quick visit with Aunt Christy there! We walked around and looked some stuff until it was time for lunch. We met up with Nonna Donna at Chili's and filled our faces. Run run run... Some how we ended up at Lowe's looking for a "decrotive hook" to hang some picture frames in the nursery with. We ended up leaving with no hook, but Randi's push gift of a washer and dryer! She was happy and that's all that mattered.
We went to Phillip and Jens to watch the Iron Bowl that Saturday and what a game it was not! Alabama wiped their a.... with us. It was an embarassing day to be a Tiger, but there's always next year right? We did get to spend the day with Baby Cate as well as Carter, Chris and Allison Carpenters one year old. It was nice, mainly because there weren't any Bammers there! =)
We have another appointment on Monday at 11:15. Until then...
Much Love
Blog Daddy T.
14 years ago
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