Last night before we hit the bed, Randi said to me "Can you believe after tomorrow we'll be in single digits until the girls get here?" No. I can not. Ten days from today, Randi and I will be staring into Addison and Aubrey's eyes. It seems like a dream, none of it seems real. I was thinking yesterday while we were driving to the hospital about times in the past where I was so excited that I never thought that an event would arrive. Like when I was little, Christmas seemed to take forever to come around, and then it was there and gone. High school graduation, our Wedding day, signing papers to buy our home, a new car, so on and so on. This one is huge. 10 days seem like an eternity but before we know it, they will be here. It reminds me of the country song, "Let them be little". I hope to take in every single moment and I know Randi feels the same way.
We had an NST yesterday and everything looked good. We were put in my not so favorite room, the recovery room and we were fortunate enough to have a woman who was in labor next to us. Not only was she in labor but they couldn't get her IV started. FOUR TIMES they tried to stick this woman. We heard every ooch and ouch, then we had the pleasure of hearing her vomit NUMEROUS times. At first I didn't know what the splashing sound was and asked Randi if her water had broke? Did you know that only like 10% of women actually have their water break? If this was the woman's water breaking, Randi and I would have needed Noah to give us a lift. She said that she hadn't eaten since 10 o'clock, but she sure had enough in her stomach to fill a wastebasket. OK, enough right? Dr. Christine came down to talk to Randi and I one last time. She is on vacation all next week so we won't see her again until D-DAY (delivery day). Randi had a few simple questions then we were on our way.
Today is Christy's COLLEGE GRADUATION! I can not believe my little Sister is graduating from Auburn today. We are all so proud of her and I can't wait to see her. Congratulations Christy!
We have an appointment Monday afternoon with Dr. Davis. We will then have another NST on Friday and then get ready for Monday morning. Whew... What an adventure! I think that I may keep this blog going even after the girls arrive. It's nice to connect with family and friends who all live too far away.
I will try to post again after Monday's appointment, but if for some reason I don't, we hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
All our love.
Blog Daddy T.
14 years ago
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