34 Weeks
We had an appointment this afternoon at 1:45. The waiting room was quite busy! Seems as if people are snuggling up a bit too close to keep warm this Winter! It's funny though because I hear so many people complaining about how cold it is and they're all bundled up and it's been averaging 50's! I read my book until Randi's little face came from behind the door. We were headed straight back to an examining room. I took my seat in the corner and we chit chatted for a bit. Dr. Christine came in and asked how everyone was doing and we didn't have many complaints except for lack of sleep, I know get used to it, and back pain. She prescribed Randi some Ambien to take occasionally to help her rest. She measured Randi's belly and did an exam to see if she was dilated and she wasn't. We were then sent into have an ultrasound to measure the fluids around the babies. While we were waiting we heard the technician that we didn't want call someone else in, so we got excited to have someone else. Unfortunately, this tech was a fill in and she was a bit slower than the others. We asked her if she were able to, to try to get a picture of Baby B. She tried a few different angles and came to the conclusion that she was facing Randi's back and as always, was going to be difficult with us. No luck. I then told her that we wouldn't be disappointed if she could tell us how much they weighed this week. No such luck there either.
We were dismissed from the ultrasound room and went over to Dr. Christine's charting area and took a seat. While we were over there I spotted a scale. I had weighed myself at home about a week ago and saw that I had lost about 10 lbs during our pregnancy. This scale was a little more honest. I have actually GAINED those 10 lbs as Randi and I initially expected. Oh well, I figure I'll shed it in about a year while chasing two one year old baby girls all over the place. Dr. Christine took a look at the ultrasounds and everything seemed up to par. She told us to make an appointment for Monday to see one of her partners because she would be on vacation. So this was the last time that we would see Dr. Christine in her office before we saw her on the 29th. We made an appointment to see Dr. Davis next Monday. She is the Doctor that we saw who diagnosed Randi's Cholestasis.
We headed down to do the NST. We were put in a triage room and Randi and the girls were quickly hooked up to the monitors by Nurse Amy whom we have had before. She remembered that one of our girls wasn't very cooperative. =) Already making a name for herself! Randi was having a few contractions here and there but Dr. Christine said that they were nothing to worry about since she wasn't dilated any. Three hours later we were on our way to fight 280 traffic! Woo Hoo!
We have an appointment for another NST on Thursday. Dr. Christine said that she would peek in on us to see if we had any questions or to see if we would need anything as she will be on vacation next week. I'll let you know how we do.
Less than two weeks and we will be bringing these little girls into this world. Man, I can't believe it's right around the corner. Randi is a little scared of being cut open but other than that we are looking forward to the 29th. Christmas has kind of taken a back seat this year. We didn't really do a lot of decorating and we didn't put up a tree. This is the first time that we haven't had a tree in the house since we've lived together. It's all good though because we are DONE with the nursery! Donna came over last week and we finished hanging the curtains. Randi and I painted and hung their names as well as bought a new mirror to go in there. I am going to try to post pictures over to the right.
Last night we went to a Hallmark store to pick up some cards for a few events that are coming up. The Woman behind the counter asked us when our baby was due and Randi responded with "there's actually two in there" and we told her how we're delivering early because there are twins. She told us that God knows who to give twins to. I think that is the nicest, sweetest thing that anyone has told us during our pregnancy. As always THANK YOU to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. They are apparently being answered because Randi and our little ladies are doing wonderful. 34 weeks is a great length for a multiple pregnancy these days. We are blessed and thankful.
Much Love To All.
Blog Daddy T.
14 years ago
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